$904.00 CAD

45 Classes - 3/Week

This season, build and maintain your strength and fitness with the 6 StrongFirst fundamental kettlebell skills!

Ensure you stay current with your understanding of kettlebell strength training and home movement practice. Do this alongside others with similar goals and values who will motivate and inspire you!

The Steady Strength Club will encompass three weekly classes, including:

  • SWING into Mondays
  • imPRESS yourself Wednesdays
  • TGU, it's Friday!

Pick and choose between the 15, 30, or 45 classes package!

The 15 classes = 1 Live Class/Week

The 30 classes = 2 Live Classes/Week

The 45 classes = 3 Live Classes/Week

The Steady Strength Club Video Library can also be purchased separately. All 45 classes for the price of 15 classes.

Swing into Mondays:

Dates: Sept.4th - Dec.18th 2023
Time: Mondays 1:30-2:30 pm ET
Class Duration: 60 min
Investment: $339 for 15 classes (tax inclusive)

This regular class will keep your hip hinge in check! We will review our deadlift regularly, and, week to week, we will play with all of the kettlebell swing variations available to us (one-arm, two-arm, heavy, light, high pull, snatch, squat to swing, etc.). There will always be an option to deadlift instead of a kettlebell swing, and the aim will be to hit our 10 x 10 swings every Monday to give ourselves an effective dose of cardiovascular fitness each week.

A mobilizing and aligning warm-up and a restorative cool-down will always be included in these 60 min classes that will begin and end on time.

imPRESS yourself Wednesdays:

Dates: Sept. 6th- Dec. 20th
Time: Wednesdays 4:30-5:30 pm ET
Class Duration: 60 min
Investment: $339 for 15 classes (tax inclusive) or $621.50 for this class plus one other in the STEADY STRENGTH CLUB BUNDLE

This regular class will focus on overhead pressing, the kettlebell “clean,” and the squat. With regular attention to this movement, heavier kettlebells will become easier to press overhead! Practicing and utilizing the kettlebell clean will become more familiar, and heavier and heavier weights will become effortless. The front rack squat will be a portion of these classes to complete the clean, press, and squat day, creating a balanced strength training session to maintain and improve these essential movements.

A mobilizing and aligning warm-up and restorative cool-down will always be included in these 60 min classes that will begin and end on time.

TGU it's Friday!

Dates: Sept. 8th - Dec.22nd
Time: Fridays 3:00-4:00 pm ET
Class Duration: 60 min
Investment: $339 for 15 classes (tax incl) or $904 for all 3 classes in the STEADY STRENGTH CLUB BUNDLE

Every Friday, we will work on aspects of the Turkish Get-Up (TGU) and will aim to do 5x TGUs on each side each week. The TGU is one of the most efficient and effective movements in the fitness world for building balance, coordination, and overall strength! Ensure you are attended to your strength through this movement, and there will be a “what the hell” effect on your overall fitness life!

A mobilizing and aligning warm-up and restorative cool-down will always be included in these 60 min classes that will begin and end on time.

Join the club and watch your strength, mobility, and overall fitness improve throughout the fall and winter!

  • Kajabi App is available on your smartphone to take classes with you everywhere you go. Kettlebells required.
  • Sign-up for the On-Demand Video Library to familiarize yourself with these 5 movements and which kettlebells to use before the classes begin! (Learn to SWING, SQUAT, SNATCH CLEAN, PRESS, and TGU in the on-demand video library anytime you are ready!).
  • Access to all 3 class replay recordings comes with purchasing any of these individual classes. 
  • Kettlebell Strength Lab will continue as a 90-minute class on Fridays at 12-1:30 PM ET but will be sold separately from the Kettlebell Strength Club classes. 
Please email [email protected] if you have any questions.

What People Are Saying:

Strength training is more than just working with kettlebells. Karen also reminds us about the importance of keeping our body in proper alignment and our joints mobile. She also reminds us that consistency is the key to keeping fit. Also that variety is a good thing in your fitness journey. I am going to be 67 this year and I am a smaller woman who has mild arthritis, mild osteoporosis (I cannot do a thing about my genetics), and glaucoma. I am strong and fit and able to do anything I choose to do. I have been active my whole life, but thanks to Karen I have a better understanding of what true strength and fitness is. I now have the knowledge I need to remain active and strong for many years. Thank you Karen for all the guidance you have given me over the past seven years.


I have been working with Karen for over three years now, and the work we do has changed my life. I have become stronger, less prone to injury, and recently, we have been tackling postural alignment due to my chronic pain (which was worsening.) I am very happy to report that six weeks later, the pain has so greatly reduced that days go by without a twinge. Her kettlebell work is thoughtful, purposeful, tricky (in that you will build strength and not even know it sometimes!), challenging, varied and interesting. Her postural alignment work should be covered by insurance plans, it has been so much more beneficial to me than any orthopedic, chiropractic or physiotherapy work I have ever tried! Her video library is an invaluable resource, her classes are inspiring (strong women doing strong things!) and her 1 on 1's are completely worth the investment. This review may sound like she is too good to be true, and the fact of the matter is ... she is! I am so thankful I injured myself all those years ago, and decided to take the leap of faith to learn how to strength train with her. From there, so many positive things have happened to me as a result. And will continue to happen!


I was first interested in the strength training aspects of Karen’s offerings on Kettlebell Wellness, and knew I needed to proceed with caution due to long-standing injury and chronic pain. When I learned about Karen’s certification in the Egoscue Method for Postural Alignment Therapy, it made perfect sense to me to start there. I suspected that if my posture improved, my body would be better able to support the parts that need help and lessen my pain. This needed to precede strength training, and was easy to incorporate into my daily life with a customized set of e-cises that Karen adjusted as my posture improved and my toolkit to manage discomfort expanded. The proof was in the set of photos three months in, showing significant unwinding of posture issues decades in the making! Working with Karen has been an absolute joy! I look forward to our sessions, as she is always prepared, has thoughtful input for improvement and is as excited as I am to celebrate every win, big or small, in my health improvement journey. I am so very grateful to have found Kettlebell Wellness and Karen.
