So you bought a set of kettlebells during the pandemic and you still haven’t used them yet? I hear this all too often! But this can change, just as soon as you finish reading this article! 

Lifting things is part of our everyday lives. Do you grocery shop? Do you have a purse or a bag?...

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Muscle is your Superpower! Apr 30, 2024

Well, here we are deeper into 2024 now, feeling all of our New Year’s intentions settle in. What has remained true for you over the past month? What has been making a difference in your life and what pursuits can fall away without consequence?

For me, the daily reminder to nourish our...

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Moving Better for Future You Feb 26, 2024

Every January, I hesitate to chime in with my thoughts about exercise habits, fitness, strength building (and movement in general) as I know we are all bombarded with the pressure to "achieve new goals" this New Year.

However, I also know that I am deeply interested in shifting the narrative that...

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Client Feature! Mar 14, 2023

Back in August of 2022, someone very special came into my life.

It was someone who found me exclusively through an online search, which is very seldom the case for me, even with my online video membership! 

Sure, I have 75 people currently using my Video Library and many of you I...

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The kettlebell question I get asked the most! Sep 19, 2022

Ever since I started coaching kettlebells, there has always been one question that comes up the MOST! And it's not what you might guess. Or perhaps you did, and have this question yourself....

What size kettlebell should I use?

Yup, you guessed it, kettlebells come in all shapes and sizes,...

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Kettlebell Strength...CLUB Aug 26, 2022

Over the past year I have been returning to a teaching format I never had a crystal clear vision for. Online LIVE Zoom classes were not something I gravitated to in the early days of the pandemic, and nor were they something I opted for until a year and half later when things had calmed down, and...

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Why Kettlebells? Apr 21, 2022

Heavy objects can initially be intimidating for many people. There is a lot of fear and hesitation surrounding strength training with appropriately heavy  weights. Time and time again I see women, in particular, hesitating to lift something just as heavy as her grocery bag or...

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The magic of a kettlebell! Oct 14, 2021

Strength training is something that improves our confidence, optimizes our fitness, and builds bone density and muscle function. And in order to strength train, we need to lift heavy objects to receive these benefits! So what better way to equip yourself for your fitness future, than to purchase...

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